Friday, October 12, 2012

Common Plain -- An Old-School Delphisex Story [Erotica from 1989]

Each day the woman would walk by the pool.  Once in the
morning and again  in the evening on her way to and from her
office.  She had been working at  the aquarium for the past six
months and enjoyed the perks that her job  offered.  The environ-
ment was so exciting, so many interesting people, and  so many
interesting things to see and do. 
Each day she would stop and admire the grace and beauty of
the Dolphins as  they swam in their tank.  On some days these
graceful creatures would  spontaneously display their mastery
over the water in the form of playful  leaps and rolls. 
That is, all but one. 
The big male would always remain at a distance.  Lounging on
his side,  intently watching the woman.  At first she paid little
attention to the lone  Dolphin at the end of the pool.  But day
after day he would be there.   Separated from the group, waiting
for her to pass.  It was not until several  weeks had gone by
before she would finally notice him. 
Rarely did she put in overtime at work, and even rarer still
did she work  alone in the complex.  This particular weekend was
It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and she had decided to
go to work and  finish a few tasks before the start of the busy
week.  She rode her bicycle  that day.  Enjoying the sunshine of
a sparkling spring morning.  She was  young.  In her early
twenties with long flowing blond hair that she only  wore loose
when she was sure she would be working alone.  Her pretty yellow 
sundress fluttered in the wind, turning more then one head as she
whisked  by the early morning joggers. 
Arriving at the complex she locked her bike and tested the
service doors.


"Good," she thought to herself.  She would be alone today.  

Unlocking the big steel door she was greeted with the
familiar smells of the  aquaria, salt water, a light hint of
chlorine.  Inside the complex she could  hear the Dolphins
trilling in anticipation of someone's arrival.  Hoping that  
whoever it was, would take a little time to play and break up
their boredom. 
She fumbled for the hallway lights, found them and switched
them on.  She  locked the door behind her and headed down the
hallway toward her office.   As always, she took the trouble to
pass by the Dolphin's pool to say "hello" to her friends.  Just
to play with them for a few moments. 
They were incredibly beautiful creatures.  Their glistening
skin was soft,  supple, and oh so very sensuous.  They moved
through the water with such  dignity and power.  It made her
envious of their environment...and their  bodies. 
She took off her shoes and sat at the edge of the pool with
her feet dangling  in the salt water.  Her Dolphin friends were
all trying to get her attention,  longing for her touch and
stroke.  She would greet each in turn by name and  speak gently
to them; stroking their long chins and rubbing their tongues... a
caress they especially enjoyed.  Two would rest their heads on
each of her  legs while a third would elicit her favours while
resting his rostrum on her lap. 
For the longest time she did not notice the one Dolphin that
always stayed  separate from the group.  But after satisfying the
group that had gathered  around her, she spotted him in the far
corner.  She had tried many times  before to get him to come over
and say hello, but he always choose not to  get too close. 
This day would be different.  As she watched, she noticed
that he was ever  so slowly easing his way over to her...never
taking his eyes off of her.   He moved in a strange way.  Swimm-
ing on his side using a slow crawling like  movement.  She could
not decide whether he was acting this way because he  was in-
jured, sick, or just plain afraid of her. 
She coaxed him on, shooing away the other Dolphins and
gently calling him to  the side of the pool.  Splashing the top
of the water with her hand. 
Slowly, cautiously, he moved closer.  At first, just touching her
outstretched  hand with his rostrum.  His touch surprised
her.  It was unlike the touch of  the other Dolphins.  It was...
strange.  She stroked him softly, letting him  relax and grow
confident in her presence. 
Eventually, he calmed and drifted along the side of the pool
so she could  stroke his long finely muscled body.  He even grew
so bold as to allow her  to rub his enormous tongue.  By this
time the others had gone off and were  playing on their own. 
Only the male remained with her, lounging in her  gentle caresses
and pleasant petting.  She studied him intently, trying to 
understand the strange nature of this creature.  Trying to fathom
the strange  feeling that she had. 
It was then that she noticed that he had slowly rolled over
on his side,  exposing the evidence of his overtures.  Immediate-
ly, she realized what her  feelings meant. 
At first it startled her.  She had never considered this
possible.  And yet,  there was the proof.  For peeking through
his genital slit was his deep pink,  Dolphin shaped, cock. 
Quivering, pulsating, and obviously very ready. 
It was at this point that she realized that she was aroused. 
Her heart  beating fast and heavy, her skin tingling in anxious
anticipation, her mouth  long ago gone dry, and her crotch afire. 
Her mind raced.  Why was she so  titillated by this creature? 
What was it about his touch that so excited  her?  She searched
for answers, questioned her feelings.  In the end, she  would
give in to the powerful forces that had taken over. 
As she continued to stroke the supple skin of the Dolphin,
she soundlessly  held a debate in her mind, and quickly came to a
conclusion.  First, she  would have to get him into the shallow
pool.  Would he come?  The place they  associated with unpleasant
experiences, the Dolphins avoided that pool.  (It was the pool
used to treat them when they were sick.) 
She would have to try.  This pool was too deep, with too
many other Dolphins  in the way. 
She got up from the edge of the tank and walked to the small
room where the  shallow pool was.  She opened the gate that lead
to the bigger pool and called  the male Dolphin.  To her as-
tonishment he willingly swam into the shallow  water, turned
around and watched as she closed the gate behind him.  She 
closed the door to the room and turned around to face him. 
He was quietly floating in the shallow water, turned on his
side, his pink  tool just showing.  She paused a moment, second
thoughts racing through her  mind.  But just as quickly she
reaffirmed her desire to experience the  euphoria of joining with
such a magnificent, gentle creature. 
She reached around and unfastened the button on the back of
her dress and  slipped it off, draping it carefully over the back
of the chair.  She sat  down facing the Dolphin and without
taking her eyes off of him unsnapped  her bra and removed it;
liberating her firm breasts and erect nipples.  As  the Dolphin
watched in obvious nervous anticipation she took off her panties 
and laid them with the rest of her clothes. 
Without hesitation the woman stepped into the shallow water
and sat down in  front of the Dolphin.  From this perspective she
was a little frightened by  the size of this creature, and for an
instant... second thoughts.  But his  calm movements and slow
advances reassured her of his gentleness. 
The Dolphin swam close to her, rubbing his long body along
hers.  She stroked  his side, feeling his body quiver at her
feminine touch.  He opened his mouth  wide at the intense pleas-
ure that the petting gave him. 
Slowly, she slid her hand underneath his belly, along the
underside in search  of his genital slit.  She could feel the
folds of his skin form the opening  of his love cavity, guiding
her hand deeper into his private place.  Her  fingers cautiously
probed the split until they met the tip of his pulsating  cock,
laying in wait just inside his body.  She curled her finger
around the  tip, and to her astonishment the tip of his penis
curled around her fingers!   Like her hands, the Dolphins cock
displayed exquisite dexterity. 

She slid her hand up and down the shaft, feeling it pulsate
in anticipation  of what was to happen. 
Guided by her soft hand, the Dolphin slowly erected his
tool.  She held him  tightly, and affectionately licked his body
with her tongue, tasting the  salt of his briny environment.  He
arched his body, pressing his against hers. 
Deliberately, but carefully the Dolphin rolled on to his
side, exposing his  extended penis.  Shaped after his graceful
body, this trembling staff of  pleasure enchanted the woman. 
Tenderly, she stroked its' length, tickled  the tip and messaged
the base.  Leisurely she guided her tongue over the  side of the
big male toward his belly...his most sensitive erogenous zone.  

As the Dolphin gasped and shuddered her tongue approached
the first folds of his slit.  She paused to lick the folds and
ever so slowly eased her way  toward the deeper recesses of the
crack.  Eventually encountering the  protruding organ, she
wrapped her tongue around it. 
The Dolphin had long since relinquished control of his body
to the  pleasurable creature, and was barely conscious of his
environment.  His  rapture was evident by his gaping jaws, closed
eyes, and quickened heartbeat. Occasionally his tail would slap
the surface of the water in an unconscious  reaction to the
intense pleasure that the woman
bestowed on his most sensitive organ. 
The woman was working her way up and down the long curved
shaft of the  Dolphin's dick with her tongue, stoking it's full
length.  Each time she  reached the tip, the Dolphin would curl
his cock around her tongue in a  genital embrace unmatched by
anything Human or Cetacean. 
Eventually, the woman guided his lovetool into her mouth and
started to suck.   Her hand squeezing the base of the trembling
shaft.  Sliding her lips up and  down the length of the rod, she
could feel the Dolphin's body tense and relax  with each orgasmic
spasm created by the rythmic sucking. 
At first she gently suckled, but as the encounter progres-
sed, she quickened  her pace and sucked harder and harder,
causing the Dolphin to breath  erratically and whistle at higher
and higher pitches.  He had never  experienced oral lovemaking
before and was in a state of pure rhapsody.   

For the woman, the feeling of the Dolphins dexterous cock
deep in her throat  provided a pleasure that previous fellatiotic
encounters never gave.  It was  a sensuous feeling that aroused
her whole body to a new level of sexual  awareness. 
After several minutes of oral enjoyment the Dolphin felt
himself ready to  cum.  Not being part of his plan he withdrew
his tool from the woman's mouth  and back into his genital folds. 
It was now his turn to bring pleasure. 
The woman sat back, curious as to what the big male was up
to.  He swam out  toward the middle of the shallow pool.  The
woman eased her way toward the  shallower water and leaned back
on her elbows and watched as the Dolphin  leisurely swam back and
forth, their mutual stares locked in a visual embrace. 
Approaching her again, he forcing his rostrum between her
legs, pushing them  apart and wriggling his way toward her cunt. 
She bit her lip in response to  the feeling of his head against
her inner thighs.  As he pushed forward she  obliged him and open
her legs to his advances, exposing her bright pink, shaved
Having struggled his way up to the woman's heaving pleasure
zone the Dolphin managed, with the woman's help, to rest his
flippers on top of each of her  legs.  Settling in a comfortable
position, he extended that magnificent tongue and with the very
tip nuzzled the woman's crack.  Her head snapped  back and she
gasped at his touch, her reaction telling the Dolphin that he 
had found the spot he was looking for. 
He began his search for the one place common to all intelligent
female  creatures.  The one spot that would ellicit the
most powerful pleasures  that a male can give. 

Unlike female Dolphins, this creature was so relaxed, so
docile.  And unlike  the females of his own species, she had
given him a new dimension in penile  pleasure...the intensity of
having his cocked sucked.  He wanted to return  that delight of
oral stimulation before he proceeded to the next level of  sexual
He probed the length and depth of the woman's vaginal slit,
searching for  the spot, watching her reactions, looking for a
sign that he had found it.   

The woman had long since given over to the Dolphin's maneuv-
ers and was  entering a state of mental rhapsody.  As the mus-
cular tongue of the creature  swept the length and breadth of her
cunt she whimpered quitely.  Each time  that he lightly passed
over her clit she wished that he would pause and  allow her to
enjoy the bliss.  After several passes, she could not stand it 
any longer and she reached out and grabbed the Dolphin's tongue
and gently  stroked her clitoris with it.  Understanding that the
woman wanted him to  lick this particular spot, he obliged. 
The ferocity of her pleasure made her forget her environment
and she let go  of all feelings and emotions.  She was nearing
the precipice, preparing  herself to fall over the edge of
ecstasy into the abyss of rhapsody.  She  was breathing heavily,
her head thrown back, both her hands holding the  Dolphin's
rostrum tightly, when suddenly and abruptly...he stopped. 
Leaving  her hanging on the very edge. 
She yelled out, "NO! No! Don't stop now!.....pllleeeasse!!" 
but her cries  went unheeded, and the Dolphin swam away.  Nearly
crying at not being allowed  to experience the ultimate pleasure,
she thought to herself, "Why!...Why  did he stop!" 
The Dolphin had planned his actions well.  He knew that for
them to achieve  a common plain of love, they must join and
climax together.  He swam about  the pool, preparing himself for
the next step.  The woman watched him, unable  to understand why
he stopped.  She fingered her clit trying to bring back  the
level of ecstasy that he had taken her to.  But with no satisfac-
tion.   Only he could provide that service. 
Anxiously, she waited for him to return, taking the oppor-
tunity to splash  water over her hot body.  She messaged her
erect, hard, nipples trying to  ease the soreness of the sus-
tained arousal. 
Finally the Dolphin approached her again.  This time turned
on his side as  he wriggled his way into the shallow water.  The
woman helped him move up  beside her, stroking and admiring his
fluid body, caressing his sensuous  skin. 
She fondled his body by sliding her hands over its full
length, one hand on  top, and the other hand underneath.  Star-
ting from the tip of his beak she  slowly eased her way to the
tip of his tail.  Pausing ever so briefly to  probe his crack. 
She had positioned herself to maneuver the tip of his
pectoral fin between  her vulva.  Gyrating ever so slightly she
tried to regain some of the  pleasure of the their earlier
The Dolphin had other plans though, and after only a few
moments, he withdrew  his fin and erected his cock to it's full
length.  The woman was surprised  at it's size.  It was long .
...about 14 inches, somewhat knife shaped, and was  a pretty
shade of pink.  She knew now what he had in mind, and obligingly 
positioned herself along side of him. 
She grasped the erect penis and slowly eased her cunt over
the top of it.   It slid in easily.  Carefully, she came down on
him, positioning her body  so she was comfortable.  She wrapped
her arms around him in a tight embrace,  signalling that she was
The Dolphin started to probe the woman's vagina with his
love making tool.   It's flexibility giving him the ability to
explore the cavity in fine detail.   Their tight embrace provi-
ding the means for them to communicate their mutual  pleasure as
the Dolphin probed her.  He began searching for the precise 
locations that would trigger the most intense reactions.  Each
time he found  a particularly sensitive spot she would squeeze
him gently to signal her  elation. 
Several minutes passed as he identified at least three
places in the woman's  love tunnel that caused her to react. 
Each time he touched one of these  zones, her cunt would tighten
and pulsate in the most exquisite way.  Providing him with the
powerful pleasure that he was seeking. 
It was time to begin. 
With his flexible cock he would tickle each pleasure spot. 
Starting with  her clit, he would rotate the tip of his sex organ
around each spot.  The  stimulation caused her body to shudder at
the potent feeling that he provided.   He would then go on to the
next spot and repeat the procedure, stimulating  each zone in
She was in absolute heaven, each time his genitalia would
kiss a vaginal  erotic zone she would whimper.  At first quitely,
but as his stimulations  continued, her whimpers would become
near screams. 
Slowly and deliberately he stimulated her, bring her to the
edge of that  abyss, allowing her to look over the brink but
always bringing her back to  safe ground.  He knew that to go
over the edge would signal the end of their  orgasmic encounter. 
And her, wanted to stretch out the pleasure  to its
absolute limits. 
She had never experienced love making like this in her life. 
The flexibility  of his genitals gave her such extreme pleasure
that her eyes rolled back  deep in her head and her teeth chat-
tered with each sub orgasm.  She never  wanted this to end.  The
Dolphin was also experiencing the most satisfying  fucking his
life.  Unlike other females he had experienced, this one was 
content to let him lead the way. 
She had wrapped her legs around his tail, and each time that
she approached  the edge, she would squeeze.  With her breasts
fitting neatly on either side  of his body, she could feel his
heart pounding, each breath that he took,  and the low pitched
sounds of his moans.  His body was like a living  collection of
jello.  Each muscle quivering with the rapture of the coupling. 
For what seemed like hours they the danced on the brink,
eventually forcing  her to beg him to let her go over...but he
refused.  Holding her tightly with  his fins, he continued
stimulating her in such a way that she had entered a  higher
plain of sexual pleasure.  Over and over again he ticked each
pubic  zone, flexing his cock, at time twittering it in such a
way so as to resemble  a vibrating dildo.  His staying power was
Her screams were now reaching a crescendo.  She had to
climax or she felt  that she would explode.  The Dolphin sensed
this, and with some reluctance,  decided to let her go.  For a
final time he tickled each erogenous zone until  he reached her
clit.  Thrusting the tip of his penis deep into her genital 
canal, his body tensed, and with a shrill whistle he pumped his
load deep  into her and allowed them to climax together. 
The woman screamed with each pulse of the Dolphin's ejacu-
lation.  Her whole  body shuddered violently.  Her vagina tight-
ened as her soul reacted to the  spasms of the most potent climax
she, or probably any other human female had  ever experienced. 
The climax would last for nearly two minutes, with both
creatures shrieking  in their own way.  The Dolphin whistling...-
the woman crying at the top of  her voice. 
Sadly, it was over. 
The Dolphin withdrew his cock back into his body, and the
woman rolled onto  her back and almost immediately fell into a
deep sleep.  The Dolphin had  rolled back onto his stomach, and
gently placed his flipper over the woman's  breasts, holding her
tenderly as she slept. 
After several hours, the woman awoke to find herself held by
her Dolphin  partner.  She smiled, and reached over to pet him. 
Stroking his glistening  skin she spoke to him softly.  Embracing
him tightly, she kissed his cheek.   She could feel a warm glow
as the two of them snuggled.  Never again would  she be able to
have sex with a man and be able to enjoy it. 
After several minutes she finally got up and got out of the
pool.  She  showered in the stall used by the trainers and
dressed.  All the while the  Dolphin watched her, lounging on his
side.  He, too, would never again be able  to have sex with his
own kind.  It would not be the same. 
After dressing she opened the gate to the shallow pool and
he swam out to  join the others.  It was late in the day and time
for her to go home.  Her  work would have to wait until tomorrow. 
The Dolphin and the woman looked at  each other one last time as
she left.  They both knew that this would not be  their last
While many may consider this story to be pure fantasy, it is in
fact based  on some reality.  The descriptions given of the
Dolphins genital's are quite  accurate.  To keep their body
streamlined, male Dolphins retract their penis  into their body. 
A slit similar to a vaginal slit, located toward the tail  houses
the retracted penis. 
The finger-like dexterity of the Dolphin's penis is also
documented.  Made  of mostly muscle, it is under conscious
control and can be used like a finger. 

Like Humans, Dolphins enjoy love making at any time.  There
are no 'sexuality  cycles' like most other non-human mammals. 
Although like human females,  there is a fertility cycle in
female Dolphins. 
The only known erogenous zone of a Dolphin is the belly. 
Touching or stroking  this area almost always immediately el-
licits a sexual response.  People who  swim with Dolphins avoid
touching this area at all costs...unless they are  willing to
deal with an amorous Dolphin! 
Sexual contact between Humans and Dolphins is not unknown. 
The best  description of such contacts can be found in the book
"The Mind Of The  Dolphin"  by Dr. John Lilly.


  1. Delphigirl, this is one of the few pieces of written human-dolphin erotica that actually got me aroused! A beautifully written piece. I hope some day we all live in more enlightened times when nothing will stop us from sharing our love with our dolphin partners.

    1. OMG! Malcolm Brenner was here?! *genuflects* Thank you so much for visiting my humble little speck of a locus on the Internet and for taking the time to comment. I'm so honored! *frolics* I am glad you like this story, too. Woot for arousing delphinic love stories! ;P Of course, we have to overlook certain logistical flaws in stories like this, but they are beautiful nonetheless. I dream of that world, too...though sadly, I don't have much faith that such ascension of spirit and mind is likely to occur in our lifetimes. I'd love to be proven wrong, though! :)

      Sending love and respect your way,
